Lone car in a driveway


This is what I can see outside looking through misty-glass window (inside my place). What a dreary, soggy, cold and depressing weather we have today. I feel like napping all day long and just forget about the snow I have to shovel later. Hmm, a hot cocoa with marshmallow on top will do…for now…


From the very first moment that I heard this song played on the radio I became speechless. The song has impacted me so much that I even thought of myself as selfish and self-centered. I know that I am not a perfect person and I may not always be right on decisions that I made in the past but I do think about the people that I may have wronged. If there is one thing that I could change about myself I would say that I wish I was wiser back then. If only I could relive my life I would’ve been more expressive and open about my feelings towards the people that I care. Is there such a thing as reading people’s mind? Will I ever know the logical reason why some friendships fall apart? I guess, everything happens for a reason. Ah, life is like a cryptic puzzle. The more I think about it, the more I become mystified by my own enigmatic life.

Btw, band’s name is OneRepublic (featuring Timbaland)





Reasons why I blog…hmm..is there?

Reasons Why I Blog

There is no doubt in my inquisitive mind that I am now becoming a blog addict. I started writing diaries during my freshman year in high school and what started as simple writings about “boys of my dreams” evolved into something deeper throughout my adolescence and abnormal maturity. Back then, I didn’t have access to the world wide web nor am I aware it even existed. Words like cyberspace, internet, ISPs, emoticons, email, E-bay, and blogging sounded strange to me. Well, not anymore.

Blogosphere reminds me of my inner-childish-self. Who would have thought that by writing my thoughts and having my own online diary would help me grow as an individual? I could write endless and numerous reasons why I blog and people will even get tired of me blabbing nonsense. I don’t really want to bore you to death and I certainly don’t want you to die from boredom so relax, be merry, have fun and read on…

    1) Blogging has become my stress reliever. After a stressful day at work who wouldn’t want to blog?

    2) Blogging is sharing. Sound familiar? You bet! Through blogging I can just randomly write about ANYTHING on my mind, share my views on broad and sensitive subjects (like porn? Hehehe), what I agree and not agree on.

    3) Blogging holds freedom of speech for anyone, everyone regardless of sex, race, status etc. Blogging is another way for me to let you know that I am also a sucker like you.

    4) Blogging is also an additional alternative for me to absorb new things from fellow bloggers, wackos, and nerds alike. It’s fun and exciting to read entries from bloggers who are just “world wide web apart.”

The world probably know now that I simply blog for fun. I blog mostly about my dysfunctional self, my misadventures, my frustrations, my never-ending quest for knowledge and fountain of youth, my insecurities, and of course, the missing link: LOVE LIFE (lol). Whatever reasons I may have forgot to include in this post, I sure hope you enjoy reading and continue blogging.

After all the heavy snow…


You probably noticed by now how much I adore living in the Windy City. I never get tired watching all the beautiful and world famous Chicago skyscrapers. Sometimes I do get tired of the  urban life I lead but I feel lucky that I am able to enjoy my life. By the way, in this picture I’d like to show you the famous Chicago River (we color the river green during St. Patricks holiday) and the bridges where all trains going to the Loop (downtown) meets.


Both pictures were taken earlier this morning (Saturday) while I was on the Brown Line Loop train using Samsung t629 camera phone. Its funny because I always see this lone park every single day but I’ve never been in the park, actually. We usually get a lot of snow every winter but only after we had our first major snowstorm this year that I have finally appreciate that there will always be a certain calmness after each snowstorms. These pictures made me ‘feel’ the tranquility I am looking for in my once-chaotic-urban life.

Boots Boots Boots!!!!

Whew! I’ve been looking for my winter boots since last night. I pleaded to my younger brother to help me look for my lost boots. I wouldn’t be spending 2 hours searching for my boots if I can just remember where I’ve kept them. I knew that I always put them somewhere in my closet and yes, my closet is not big enough. I don’t really own a huge amount of clothes and honestly, my entire wardrobe need a make-over. I haven’t really got the time to sort all of my clothes and my summer clothes are still in my dirty laundry. Can you believe how disorganize I am? Better believe it dude. I know am sorry but I am not really sorry, ya know. In the back of my mind, I know where I usually keep my belongings and “abubot”. If I live alone, I wouldn’t be this dis-organize but anyway I don’t really want to blame my siblings although yeah, they are guilty. Did I just contradict myself….again? Hmmm…well…kinda.

After cooking Korean noodle/ramen or whatever you may wanna call it, I went downstairs and started looking for my lost boots. While searching for my boots, I glance on the other corner and found out that I have some dirty bedsheets that needs to be wash. It doesn’t take much time to do laundry (I just hate folding clothes, honestly!) so I let the washing machine do the work. I am such a genius, right? Right, so back to my booties. I am not aware how many pair of shoes I have but mostly I like wearing rubber shoes. I don’t buy expensive-brand-name-shoes since they are too expensive but when I do, I buy them on sale. Hell! I am not gonna buy something that’s way out of my budget!

Today is probably my lucky day because I didn’t spend hours and hours looking for my boots. I found them in less than 20 minutes which is by the way, a record holder for me. Hahaha! Great! Oh look, I also found my sister’s Ugg boots (Whoa! didn’t know that she got an Ugg booty! Should I try it on or loan it from her? Now that’s a thought…). Enough of that, I am going out later with my sister so hopefully we’ll be able to take some cool snapshots.

Oh by the way, I almost forgot about my laundry….

Deluded moron

I feel like a stupid idiot right now. I am still sick and my cold won’t go away. I think it has gotten worse after I took a shower yesterday afternoon. I don’t think it’s my fault. Was I wrong to take a shower and smell nice? I thought not! I just can’t stand myself especially when I stink and smell funky. I know I am somewhat twisted but who cares really? I am just a little bit annoyed right now because I am still sick and I can’t do nothing about it.

Actually, I know I can do something about it. I read in a Japanese manga magazine ‘Shojo Beat’ that Shoga-yu helps remedy the early stages of a cold. For the heck of it, I might just as well include all the ingredients and “how to” make Shoga-yu.


1 cup boiling water

3 thin slices fresh ginger

Juice of 1/4 lemon, strained

1 teaspoon honey

Bring one cup of water to a boil. Meanwhile, peel and slice ginger and place in a mug. Pour heated water over ginger and allow to steep for three minutes. When beverage reaches a drinkable temperature, stir in lemon juice and honey. Serve with a lemon wedge.

Pretty easy! I did this last night but I think I forgot to put lemon so when I took a sip, it was a bit odd. Never mind, I will try this one again later tonight. Well, we had our first snowstorm here in Chicago and it snowed overnight. I can absolutely see the evidence outside. My brother is sooo not gonna like it when he wakes up and find out that he’s gonna plow a ton of snow! We also had another “first” snowstorm on Saturday but it was a mix of wet snow and rain so the snow didn’t really stick on the ground. I might go out today with my sister and pose for some quick snapshots outside. I have to update my pictures on Friendster. I rarely check my Friendster account and Flicker so I don’t know. I guess I am just tired seeing all my old pics posted there.

Well, I better go back to bed first 🙂 I am such a knucklehead *lol* Only me who can laugh at my stupid jokes…pffffttt!

Handwritten TAG



These are the books that I am able to take pictures of. I know they’re a lot but can you imagine that I have A LOT MORE? Some of my books are still in boxes and my Dad kept them in the basement. I just love READING! Yes, I have read them and I think I have to re-read them all over again! 🙂


Another addiction of mine is, mangolekta ng Japanese manga (comics) or anything related to Japanese animation.


Music, music, music! As you can see, nilagay ko lang ganyan cd’s k’se I am kinda tired now after all the heavy lifting (blame it on my books!) I did earlier. I also like listening to any kind of music even though I can’t understand what they’re singin’ about. 

Thanks for tagging me Rhapsody! I am tagging EVERYONE around the cyberspace to do this and have some fun! 🙂

Winter afternoon


We had our first major winter storm yesterday. Believe me, it was a very difficult, treacherous, day for me. Most of you know that I don’t drive so I rely on public transportation (re: subway/elevated trains, buses or taxi cab). I first heard about the winter snowstorm warning from our local news and internet, of course. I’ve been living here in Chicago for such a long time now that I am used to the frigid temperature we usually get every year. Yesterday was not my day however.

My not-so-lucky-day started in the early morning commute. I knew from the moment that I got out of the house my day wouldn’t be so perfect as I wanted to be. Do I sound so pessimistic here? Hah! Well, my bus was late. The train wouldn’t move. When I got out of the train, I couldn’t see a damn thing because it was too cold outside and my eyeglasses…dang! Every little thing so blurry and misty! Hahaha! When I looked up on the silvery sky, it made me feel miserable and a bit lonely (misty eyed here *lol* just kidding!).

I am not going to write about how my day at work was but you bet, I was too sleepy. Looking through tinted glasses on top of a skyscraper here in downtown and longing to be outside to catch some snow and let it drop on my hands, it made me feel a little bit homesick. Well, I just had to endure a few hours of “homesickness” and go home, spend some quite time with my family and cuddle with my dog (I know that’s sad…lol). That was just a random thought and yeah enough wishful thinking.

I took a snap of what it looked outside yesterday. As you can see, I didn’t get a picture perfect shot. I was blinded by my own blurry vision (re: foggy glasses) and it wasn’t easy! Taking pictures with my camera phone in the middle of a snowstorm with my winter gear (re: gloves, earmuffs, bonnet and scarf) and not to forget my heavy boots on. Yeah, I could definetely assure you that I looked like an Alaskan eskimo. The only thing missing? Sled dogs and igloo.

And yes, that would be a real adventure readers :)….